20 Things YOU can Learn from Acts

For the first time, I sat down and studied an entire chapter of the bible from start to finish and absolutely loved it. I have to admit some chapters were more exciting than others, but I’m sure if I ever read it again I would find even more nuggets in there!

For now, here are 20 little nuggets from the Book of Acts:

  1. It is not for us to know when or how God will fulfill His promises but we do have the Holy Spirit to guide us through that journey (Acts 1:7)
  2. Do what you can and surrender the rest to God (Acts 2:4)
  3. When we share our testimony we don’t know the impact it will have on other people (Acts 2:37)
  4. When we ask God for something, He might give us something else, something bigger (Acts 3: 1-9)
  5. God is still working even if we are being persecuted (Acts 4:4)
  6. When you give it to God, give it ALL not just some and don’t do that for image (Acts 5:1-11)
  7. When you face persecution do you rejoice or let it quieten you? (Acts 5:41)
  8. God can use suffering for His glory i.e. the Christians were driven out of Jerusalem because of persecution, but it resulted in the gospel being spread (Acts 6:7)
  9. Are we looking at our problems or at Jesus? (Acts 7:55)
  10. The Kingdom of God is inside you, you take it with you wherever you go (Acts 8:4)
  11. It is important to test every spirit i.e. discernment (Acts 8:7)
  12. Sometimes we think we are doing something for God, but then God changes our purpose (Acts 9).
  13. Our testimony or message can just be something the Lord has taught or revealed to us personally (Acts 10:33)
  14. The way we act and live shows others what Christ is like (Acts 11:24))
  15. As growth occurs there will always be backlash and opposition, sometimes our own people. When you grow, others may not want to (Acts 12)
  16. We can use our daily, everyday jobs to spread God’s word (Acts 18:3)
  17. People’s opinions do not matter because it is always changing (Acts 21:33)
  18. God uses every circumstance, nothing is wasted i.e. Paul spent so long in prison, but he was writing many important letters to encourage and grow the church (Acts 22-28)
  19. Salvation is personal, other people may not understand how God speaks to you (Acts 22:9)
  20. God takes us where He wants us to go in His own way and His own time ( Acts 27-28).

Hope you enjoyed these 20 lessons from the book of Acts. If you know anymore, do comment them below!

Stay Blessed,

Sarah šŸ’œ

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